About The Store
Vaporizing cannabis is finally getting the recognition it deserves. And as vaping gets more popular, better vapes hit the market. We have the best selection of vaporizers, carefully selected to cater to your needs. Whether you vape dry herb or concentrates, there’s a vaporizer for everyone. We offer the classic Volcano desktop cannabis vaporizers and several sleek portable vapes.
Vaporizers heat cannabis to a carefully controlled temperature, at which the active substances (THC and other cannabinoids) turn into vapor. Since vapor is not the product of burning, it contains no carbon or semi-burned solid material, and thus produces much less tar.
Cannabis vapour is inhaled in the same way as smoke, but without the unhealthy side effects of smoking. Because the THC is released without burning, none of it is lost to overheating (as happens when cannabis is smoked) allowing a given amount of cannabis to be consumed much more efficiently. The ability to use less cannabis to achieve the same effect also makes buying a cannabis vaporizer a sound economic choice.
Enjoy the great flavors of today's cannabis with one of our vaporizers!
Enjoy our hand-picked selection of top Cannabis Vaporizers.
We have tested and experienced each and every one of the Cannabis Vaporizers we offer so that you get the greatest customer experience!
Our Latest Cannabis Blog Collection!
Read the latest collection of cannabis related blogs, news, articles, reviews and much more!
Vaporizing Temperature; What Is Best?
Getting the correct temperature is important when using a cannabis vaporizer. These days, it’s become common.
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